(developer tools,online tools,dev tools,tools for developer,developer tools,converting,md5,hash,base64,url encode,dns query,mx,spf)

Last update: Oct 20 2019 07:04:50

Explaining the tool

Alerts don't have default classes, only base and modifier classes. A default gray alert doesn't make too much sense, so you're required to specify a type via contextual class. Choose from success, info, warning, or danger.

Tool's Wiki

Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.

Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This is to ensure that the data remain intact without modification during transport.

Base64 relies on simple encoding and decoding algorithms. They work with a 65-character subset of US-ASCII where each of the first 64 characters maps to an equivalent 6-bit binary sequence. Here is the alphabet:

Value Encoding   Value Encoding   Value Encoding   Value Encoding

Security Considerations

When base encoding and decoding is implemented, care should be taken not to introduce vulnerabilities to buffer overflow attacks, or other attacks on the implementation. A decoder should not break on invalid input including, e.g., embedded NUL characters (ASCII 0).

If non-alphabet characters are ignored, instead of causing rejection of the entire encoding (as recommended), a covert channel that can be used to "leak" information is made possible. The ignored characters could also be used for other nefarious purposes, such as to avoid a string equality comparison or to trigger implementation bugs. The implications of ignoring non-alphabet characters should be understood in applications that do not follow the recommended practice. Similarly, when the base 16 and base 32 alphabets are handled case insensitively, alteration of case can be used to leak information or make string equality comparisons fail.

When padding is used, there are some non-significant bits that warrant security concerns, as they may be abused to leak information or used to bypass string equality comparisons or to trigger implementation problems.

Base encoding visually hides otherwise easily recognized information, such as passwords, but does not provide any computational confidentiality. This has been known to cause security incidents when, e.g., a user reports details of a network protocol exchange (perhaps to illustrate some other problem) and accidentally reveals the password because she is unaware that the base encoding does not protect the password.

Base encoding adds no entropy to the plaintext, but it does increase the amount of plaintext available and provide a signature for cryptanalysis in the form of a characteristic probability distribution.